Software Development
We begin each day with a number of activities – view the latest news, draw up the agenda, listen to music, check e-mail and reminders, communicate with friends and colleagues, surf the Internet, review the agenda, appoint the meetings, and so on and so forth. This loop has been starting and finishing our daily activities since we entered the adult life. What matters now is the means for managing the loop with ease and convenience. The answer we suggest is mobility. This does not mean a laptop; it is too spacious a solution to carry and use. Nowadays smartphones and tablets hold the world within. software development company in Dhaka
Backvendor is an Yii extension that helps developers speed up the development of web services and administration sites based on Yii Framework.
Our Software development
1. School Management Software
2. Hospital management Software 3. Invoice & Billing Software 4. Inventory Management Software
5. Point of sale(POS)
6. Accounting Software 7. Email Marketing Software

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